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Thursday 13 October 2011

What Makes A Good Journalist?

A good journalist deals in the "absolute truth" and therefore must NEVER jump to conclusions or lie to the public. A good journalist's job is to "police the police" by always keeping one step ahead of the game and helping "keep them honest", informing the public of key news and developments around the world. Described as a "bloodhound as well as a watchdog", journalists are the source of the world's news and therefore need to be able to achieve good communication to the public through their use of language and be honest in their gathering of information. Therefore, it is crucial that their language is precise and accurate. This has been proved "beyond reasonable doubt". A good journalist needs to be fast, accurate and fair when gathering information/materials by using the power of language to communicate their findings to the public.

[148 words]

So what do you think? Is my response fast, accurate and fair?


  1. Damn, your response actually comes under 150 words. Mine's 160 summant. And also, I must email it...

  2. very good work - i like bloodhound as well as watchdog
