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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Happy Blogiversary!

That's right. On this day in 2010, I set up my blog.

Mainly with the intention of making a good impression at university, as this time last year I was halfway through drafting my personal statement. 

How times have changed. I am now at a university I love. I am studying a course that I love and I am living with housemates that I, well, love.

We've spent most of the day decorating the house with paper chains as we're all cheapskates when it comes to Christmas.

(insert reference to bonding here)
At 4:32pm it's already getting dark outside and it's turned bitterly cold. I'm cuddled up in bed with freshly washed sheets feeling rather nostalgic. I want to savour these moments as they don't come by often.

I hope you've enjoyed reading and there's plenty more to come.

I mustn't forget to credit my rather awesome housemate Devan for the rather punnerific title (casual neologism). #TheOneWhatsAttemptingBlogging


  1. Booyah 8D Yay for bonding and puns. BEDD is a failure. You must teach me these blogging skills of yours.
