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Friday, 14 December 2012


“Our critics are our greatest lovers because they show us our faults” [NIETZSCHE]

WINOL has become one of the most credible sources of independent Journalism by University students in Winchester. Over the past three months it has slowly overtaken Goldsmith University’s ‘eastlondonlines’ publication with WINOL’s global rank being #468,755 and #9,904 in the UK compared with Goldsmith’s #608,768 and #27,074. Again, with local news site (Hampshire Chronicle) we see a dramatic difference; #887,317 in global rank and #40,478 in the UK. [, 13.12.12]
The WINOL website has witnessed a dramatic redesign this semester with a vast improvement seen in News and Features. Content is now being updated daily compared to weekly with our live, independent Twitter account displayed on the front page, generating 1,025 followers [13.12.12] compared to approximately 650 at the start of the semester. Tabs at the top make for easier navigation around the site, including links to our latest bulletin so that the public can get a taste of WINOL as whole. We also broadcasted our first daily news bulletin “99 NEWS”. This was a highly ambitious project as it ran alongside our weekly bulletin.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

L5: "The Freudian Consciousness"

SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)
[Image available under Wikimedia Commons]
"The secret antagonist of the intellect" The misery of the human condition. People alienated. [MARX] Sex becomes important in the Media as motivator. People no longer considered noble creatures. Challenges Enlightenment.

The Freudian Personality. ID. From birth. Aim to gain pleasure and avoid pain. Demands fulfilment. "Spoilt Brat" EGO. Reality and Reason. Rational. The least powerful part of the personality. SUPEREGO. Socialisation. Person punished with guilt. Attempting to live up to impossible standards of perfection. Society as collective.

Psychoanalysis. The exchange of words between patient and doctor. Believed he discovered the 'archaeology' of the mind. Dreams as the 'royal road' to the unconscious. Reveal real problems. The existence of  a "subconscious". Method aims to try and distract/contain the ID.  No real satisfaction unless destroying enemy. 
"The poets and philosophers before me discovered the unconscious. What I discovered was the scientific method by which the unconscious can be studied" [FREUD]