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The Freudian Personality. ID. From birth. Aim to gain pleasure and avoid pain. Demands fulfilment. "Spoilt Brat" EGO. Reality and Reason. Rational. The least powerful part of the personality. SUPEREGO. Socialisation. Person punished with guilt. Attempting to live up to impossible standards of perfection. Society as collective.
Psychoanalysis. The exchange of words between patient and doctor. Believed he discovered the 'archaeology' of the mind. Dreams as the 'royal road' to the unconscious. Reveal real problems. The existence of a "subconscious". Method aims to try and distract/contain the ID. No real satisfaction unless destroying enemy.
"The poets and philosophers before me discovered the unconscious. What I discovered was the scientific method by which the unconscious can be studied" [FREUD]
Published work on Hysteria - Analysis of mental illness as result of psychological trauma dating back to infancy. 'Infantile Sexuality'
Repressed sexual desire revealed through the process of 'free association'.
CARL JUNG: "Tell me about the first time you remember being beaten by your father"
SABINA SPIELREIN: "It's possible... I was four. I'd broken a plate or... yes, and he told me to go into the little room and take all my clothes off and then he came in and... spanked me!
And then I was so frightened I wet myself... and then he hit me again! And then... "
CARL JUNG: "That first time, how did you feel about what was happening?"
SABINA SPIELREIN: "I liked it. It excited me!"
CARL JUNG: "And did you continue to like it?"
SABINA SPIELREIN: "Yes! Yes! Before long.. he just had to say to me to go to the little room and I would... I would start to get wet. He would just threaten, it was enough! I'd have to go down and lie down and... and touch myself. He would scold and it would set off! Any kind of humiliation, I looked for any humiliation!..."
- [Cronenberg, David "A Dangerous Method" 2011]
POPPER'S attack on FREUD. His theories are so vague, they can't be tested. His experiments lack foundation.
"The Interpretation of Dreams" Dreams the expression of repressed sexual desire.
FREUD chair of neuropathy at Vienna University. Collaboration with CARL JUNG.
"The Ego and the ID" Unconscious revealed through:
- Everyday trivial mistakes 'Freudian Slips'
- Dreams
- Neurosis
"The mental apparatus is composed of an ID which is the repository of the instinctual impulses, of an EGO which is the most superficial portion of the ID... one which has been modified by the influence of the external world, and of a SUPEREGO which develops out of the ID, dominates the EGO, and represents the inhibitions of instinct that are characteristic of man" [FREUD] (pages 75-76)
Constant struggle between ID, EGO and SUPEREGO.
SABINA SPIELREIN: "My father thinks my mother doesn't love him. And he's right, she doesn't"
CARL JUNG: "How do you know?"
SABINA SPIELREIN: "My angel told me"
CARL JUNG: "What angel?"
SABINA SPIELREIN: "An... an inner voice. He used to tell me I was an exceptional person. For some reason he always spoke in German"
CARL JUNG: "Angels always speak in German. It's traditional"
SABINA SPIELREIN: "He gave me the power to know what people are going to say before they open their mouths"
CARL JUNG: "Useful ability for a doctor. You hope to become a doctor someday, don't you?"
SABINA SPIELREIN: "I'll never be a doctor"
CARL JUNG: "Why not?"
- [Cronenberg, David "A Dangerous Method" 2011]
FREUD'S aim was to discover the underlying illusion of human freedom.
His influence on society:
- Changed outlook towards sex.
- Understanding of mental illness.
- Appreciation of art and literature.
"If often he was wrong, and, at times, absurd, to us he is no more a person now but a whole climate of opinion" [W.H. Auden] (page 78)
3 levels of Freudian Unconscious:
- Everyday trivial mistakes 'Freudian Slips'
When people say what they think. Reveal true intentions/hidden motives. 'The Preconscious'
- Dreams.
The fulfilment of a repressed wish. Symbolic. 'Dream-work' - revealed as sexual.
"The significance of a dream item for a particular dreamer could only be discovered by finding out what the dreamer herself associated with that item" (page 204)
- Neurosis.
Patient needs to acknowledge desire. Though often rejected.
CARL JUNG: "I dreamed... I dreamed about a horse, being hoisted by cables to a considerable height. Suddenly the cable breaks and the horse is dashed to the ground, but it's not hurt. It leaps up and gallops away, impeded only by a heavy log which it's obliged to drag along the ground. And the rider on a small horse appears in front of it so it's forced to slow down. And a carriage appears in front of the small horse so that our horse is compelled to slow down even more"
SIGMUND FREUD: "I imagine the horse is yourself"
SIGMUND FREUD: "Your ambition has been frustrated in some way"
CARL JUNG: "A rider slowing me down"
CARL JUNG: "I think this may refer to my wife's first pregnancy. I had to give up an opportunity to go to America because of it"
CARL JUNG: "The carriage in front perhaps eludes to an apprehension that our two daughters, and other children perhaps still to come, will impede my progress even more"
SIGMUND FREUD: "I think perhaps you should entertain the possibility that it represents the penis"
CARL JUNG: "Yes. In which case, what may be at issue is that a certain sexual constraint has been brought about by fear of a succession of endless pregnancies"
SIGMUND FREUD: "I'm bound to say that if one of my patients had brought me this dream, I might have said the number of restraining elements surrounding this unfortunate horse could perhaps point to the determines of repression of some unruly sexual desire, hmm?"
CARL JUNG: "Yes. There is that as well"
- [Cronenberg, David "A Dangerous Method" 2011]
"New Introductory Lectures" (1933)
3 mental apparatus of individual:
- ID.
Personality ruled by pleasure. Irrational.
- EGO.
Reason and Common Sense. Reality. What is perceived by the senses. Psychoanalysis to strengthen EGO's hold on ID.
"The EGO is the rider and the ID the horse" (pages 205-206)
Punishes behaviour of EGO. 'Parental Authority' "whose demand for ever greater perfection it is always striving to fulfil" (page 206)
PLATO "Republic" [380 BC] Tripartite self:
- Appetite - The desire for food and sex. (ID)
- Reason - Reality. Control desire. (EGO)
FREUD - No way reason could control. People irrational.
- Temper - Non-Rational. Shame and Anger. (SUPEREGO)
"Goaded on by the ID, hemmed in by the SUPEREGO, and rebuffed by reality, the EGO struggles to cope with its economic task of reducing the forces and influences which work in it... " (pages 206-207)
Source: Kenny, Anthony "Philosophy in the Modern World" (2007)
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